About: admin
Recent Posts by admin
Where do we come from?

Where do we come from? We, the grid-edge professionals including this firm, come from Bell Labs, extraterrestrial satellites, northern California off-grid enthusiasts, and telecom repeater stations. Grid defectors. We come from the national labs –first SERI and then NREL. We come from R&D departments at almost every petroleum company and electric utility in the world.
Written on November 2, 2018 at 6:46 pm
Categories: Uncategorized
What are we?

What are we? We are embryonic. We are a rising swirl of technological and economic chaos and disruption. We are on a path to a revolutionized 100% renewables economy. On a trajectory to supplant utility energy and take on the challenge of transportation energy, we are at the beginning of an historical transition.
Written on November 2, 2018 at 6:46 pm
Categories: Uncategorized
Where are we going?

Where are we going? We are going toward an amorphous, decentralized, market driven environment. But always under the watchful eye of grid managers, the wizards behind the curtain, maintaining the “high nines” of reliability –On and within spec 99.99999% of the time— we forget what we take for granted. The utilities will reform, reinvent themselves.
Written on November 2, 2018 at 6:46 pm
Categories: Uncategorized
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